Monday, November 24, 2014

"Attitude of Gratitude" Journal Prompts

It's the week of Thanksgiving!
Not only am I BEYOND excited to stuff my face with pie,
but I'm also excited to celebrate the many blessings in my life.

So here's my challenge for you this week:
Each night in your journal, write down what you are grateful for.

Easy, right?
But even though it's easy, sometimes we forget to take the time to be grateful.
Practicing gratitude helps our hearts and minds focus on the good in our lives.
And as the following scripture says, it keeps us focused on Jesus Christ.

To help you express gratitude this week, here are a few prompts to get you started.
And there are so many ways you can use these:

You can write about one in your journal each night.
You could have your family share their answers during FHE tonight.
You could ask around the Thanksgiving dinner table what other's answers are.
You can add a sticky note to your backpack or in your locker to remind you.

And you know what's really cool?
The more that you focus on gratitude and the many blessings you have, the happier you will be.

So go practice that "Attitude of Gratitude"!!!!!

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